Amid tensions over Ukraine, Russia For the First Time Calls the United States a “Enemy State”

The term “enemy state,” which Russia has formally identified as applied to the United States, is a change from past diplomatic phrasing. As tensions over the situation in Ukraine grew, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov revealed the label during a press briefing, according to Hindustan Times.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

This declaration comes after a series of events that have strained relations between the two nations. Notably, former American intelligence officer Scott Ritter was reportedly barred from entering St. Petersburg and had his passport confiscated by Russian border officials. The incident has been cited as a contributing factor to the Kremlin’s decision.

Peskov’s statement represents a stark contrast to earlier comments where he downplayed anti-American sentiments. The change in tone suggests a hardening stance by Moscow, which could have far-reaching implications for international relations and security.

The U.S. has not yet formally responded to this new classification. However, it is expected to further complicate the already delicate negotiations and interactions between the two countries, particularly regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Experts believe that this move by Russia could be in retaliation to recent U.S. actions, including the authorization by President Joe Biden for Ukraine to use American-supplied weapons to strike targets within Russia. This authorization was part of the U.S. support for Ukraine in the face of Russian military aggression.

The Kremlin’s use of the term ‘enemy state’ is unprecedented in the post-Cold War era and signals a potential shift in the geopolitical landscape. It underscores the deteriorating relationship between Russia and the U.S., which has been exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine and differing geopolitical interests.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>