Aishatu Ismail:”It was only Jonathan who was able to jail two ex-governors but Buhari pardoned them”

Aishatu Ismail:"It was only Jonathan who was able to jail two ex-governors but Buhari pardoned them"Speaking about the battle against corruption is Hajia Aishatu Ismail, the former Minister of Women’s Affairs and Youth Development under former President Olusegun Obasanjo. She contrasted the endeavors of the two past presidents, Muhammadu Buhari and Goodluck Jonathan. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

In a recent report by The Sun, Aishatu said during Jonathan’s presidency, two former governors were jailed for corruption. She said this was seen as a significant achievement, showing that the government was serious about fighting corruption. She said Buhari later pardoned these convicted governors, which she felt was a setback. She said instead of reducing corruption, it seemed to get worse under Buhari. She said Buhari who had promised to fight corruption, did not make things better, instead the problem grew.

In Aishatu’s words: “It was only Jonathan that was able to jail two ex-governors for corruption but Buhari pardoned them. That were the only convictions that we got and at least we could say to the world that we tried”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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