Air Commodore Abayomi Balogun responds after Gen Musa said he and other soldiers are paid ₦1200 a day to feed during operation

Air Commodore Abayomi Balogun responds after Gen Musa said he and other soldiers are paid ₦1200 a day to feed during operation

It is well known that General Christopher Musa, the Chief of Defense Staff, revealed that during operations, he and every other soldier got the same daily monetary allowance of N1,200 for food. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

The retired Air Force officer, Air Commodore Abayomi Balogun, questioned whether someone could survive on this allowance and voiced doubts about its sufficiency in an interview with Arise TV. Balogun stated that proper nutrition and housing are essential for efficient defense, underscoring the significance of attending to the living conditions and welfare of deployed troops.

In Balogun’s words: “We are still in that same situation where that money, what does it do? Can 1200 sustain anybody without being a soldier on the streets of Nigeria? It is very difficult. So that should be looked into, particularly those guys that are deployed, they should feed well, and they should live well if not they can’t fight well and defend us well. So I think it is good that we look into that direction and see what Nigeria needs to do to raise the morale of the troops”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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