Salihu Lukman, former Vice Chairman of the APC in the North-West, has claimed that despite raising over 30 billion naira during election season, the APC failed to financially support its presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu, or other party candidates. In a video released on YouTube by AIT, Lukman thanked Tinubu with substantially supporting his campaign, which gave him enormous power within the party. According to Lukman, the party’s financial independence has damaged its power to influence Tinubu’s actions.
In Lukman’s words: “Even when we mobilized more than N30 billion throughout the election season we didn’t contribute a dime to Tinubu or other candidates of the party during the election. Let anybody come and dispute it. President Tinubu almost single-handedly funded his campaign which is what earned him the authority he has now in APC to the extent that almost everybody in the party is weak in terms of influencing his conduct because the party didn’t earn its space”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>