According to Dropout, The lecturer insisted that I date him so I can pass the course; I reported but to no avail

Due to accusations of sexual misbehaviour, some instructors in Nigerian postsecondary institutions have been charged with crimes and fired over time. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Due of the rarity of reports of male students experiencing sexual harassment, female students are most impacted by this scenario.

However, victims who suffer this menace from the hands of their lecturers most of the time finish up as school dropouts, while those who refuse to succumb to the lecturers desires end up failing the lecturing courses.

In a video posted by Sahara TV, a survivor of sexual misconduct has recounted her experience with the whole incident.

The female student whose name was undisclosed narrated how her lecturer requested an affair, which she declined and reported to other staff of the institution, but it just gets worse as her reports are being addressed with levity, which propelled her to drop out of school.

According to the video, “He insisted that I had to date him for me to pass the course, and I refused.

I tried to report to the HOD and other senior staff, but it started to seem as if I wanted attention and no one was taking me seriously, so I dropped out.”.

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Click on the link below to watch the video, starting at the 0:56 minute mark.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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