Abdul-Aziz Nai’ibi Abubakar: Dear President Bola Tinubu, Please Resign, Nigeria is Too Big For a Regional Champion

President Bola Tinubu should resign, according to a recent comment made by Abdul-Aziz Nai’ibi Abubakar, the DG of Atiku’s The Light Organisation and a well-known PDP supporter. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Abubakar made the request on his official X account. Abubakar said that Tinubu should step down with honour, citing the size and complexity of Nigeria as being too great for a leader with wider sway.

“Dear President Bola Tinubu, please resign. Nigeria is too big for a regional champion!” Abubakar wrote.


Abubakar’s message comes at a time of heightened political tensions in Nigeria, with various factions vying for power and influence.

Tinubu, has faced criticism in recent months over his leadership style and handling of key national issues.

The call for Tinubu’s resignation highlights growing disappointment within the opposition party and reflects general concerns about the direction of the country under his leadership.

Abubakar’s reference to Tinubu as a “regional champion” suggests that he views the president as lacking the general support necessary to govern effectively on a national level.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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