Abdul Azeez Suleiman said. ‘The Exclusion Of The North From The Race In 2027 Could Disrupt The Political Equilibrium’

Suleiman 'The Claim That The North May Not Produce The President In 2027 Is Not Reasonable'

Abdul Azeez Suleiman, the Northern Elders Forum [NEF] Spokesperson and Director of Publicity and Advocacy, has emphasized the complex structure of Nigeria’s political system and its dependence on a finely balanced relationship between the North and other areas. He voiced fear that keeping the North out of the 2027 presidential election will upset this fragile balance and upend long-standing power-sharing agreements. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He stressed the significance of this interplay of interests in maintaining democratic stability, asserting that any disturbance to this balance could undermine the country’s democratic progress and erode trust in the political system. He pointed out that the North’s numerical superiority has historically served as a unifying factor, preventing any single region from dominating the political landscape. According to him, denying the North the opportunity to participate in the presidential race could, therefore, have profound consequences, potentially leading to a loss of trust in the political process and an increase in regional tension.

He said in an interview with The Sun, ”Nigeria’s political system relies on a delicate balance between the North and other regions. The exclusion of the North from the Presidential race in 2027 could disrupt the political equilibrium and power-sharing arrangements. This delicate interplay of interests has been crucial in maintaining democratic stability. Upsetting this balance may undermine the country’s democratic progress and lead to a loss of trust in the political system.

Attempts at North’s exclusion from any presidential contest could therefore have far-reaching consequences for Nigeria’s National Unity and stability. The region’s dominant numerical superiority has been a unifying factor, ensuring that no single region dominates the political landscape. By denying the North the opportunity to seek the Presidency the delicate balance that has been maintained could be disrupted, potentially leading to a loss of trust in the Political process and a rise in regional tension.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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