
Abducted Schoolgirl: Girls who escaped said Leah has babies and they described where she is – According to Puldu

Abducted Schoolgirl: Girls who escaped said Leah has babies and they described where she is - According to Puldu

The president and CEO of the Leah Foundation, Gloria Puldu, provided information on the whereabouts of Nigerian schoolgirl Leah Sharibu, who was kidnapped by Boko Haram six years prior. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Gloria Puldu said in an interview with Arise TV that although they haven’t directly seen Leah Sharibu since her kidnapping, they have heard updates about her from other females who managed to escape. She added that several of the females gave a description of Leah’s location and verified that she is now a mother.

Puldu emphasized that information about Leah’s location and her condition has been shared with the international community and Nigerian authorities. She also expressed frustration and questioned how ordinary individuals could obtain this information while authorities claimed ignorance

In Puldu’s words: “[Girls who escaped] said Leah has babies and they described where she is and we have updated whoever wants to hear: the international community or the Nigeria authority. If we at our level as ordinary people can get this information, how can they tell me they don’t know where Leah is or they can’t bring out Leah? So Leah is alive and so far from 2023 till now, unfortunately for us, we have not had anybody tell us that they have met her. But before 2023 up to 2022 we have people who have come out who were in the same camp with Leah and told us she is alive”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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