US Base:According to Prof Ibrahim, We know the location Americans are seeking, it is in the far north of Nigeria

US Base:According to Prof Ibrahim, We know the location Americans are seeking, it is in the far north of Nigeria

Senior fellow at the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), Professor Jibrin Ibrahim, has discussed reports that the US plans to build a military facility in Nigeria. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

In an interview with Arise TV, Ibrahim stated that US intends to establish the base in the northern part of the country, near the Niger border. He state that the area is already suffering from ecological problems, particularly desertification. He said citing a military base in such a location could further harm the fragile environment

In Ibrahim’s words: “We know the location Americans are seeking, it is in the far north of the country, near Niger border. This is a part of the country that is already devasted by ecological factors and in particular, by the downward march of the Sahara dessert. We feel that sending large groups of people there to be playing with weapons in an ecological zone that is very fragile is not the best for our country”.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

1 Comment

  1. Killing two birds with one stone: to destroy Niger and loot its Uranium as well as destroy the Sokoto Caliphate & steal gold. Corrupt Nigerians will continue shipping crude oil to them, so they don’t need any base in the South.

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