Uju Ohaneye said. ‘It’s Happening In Their State But I’m The Minister Of Women Affairs In Nigeria’

Uju Ohaneye said. 'It's Happening In Their State But I'm The Minister Of Women Affairs In Nigeria'

Speaking about the forced marriage of 100 orphans in Niger State, Minister of Women’s Affairs Uju Ohaneye claimed that part of her job description included being in charge of all women in the nation, regardless of state lines. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

She underlined that she has the right to step in and help in any scenario that affects women, but she only does so when asked to and when it’s really necessary.

She explained that her decision to go to court was driven by the imminent wedding, which she opposed, insisting that it would not take place. She highlighted her commitment to investigating the ages of the girls involved before any further discussions, emphasizing the importance of this verification.

She said in an interview with Channels TV, ”It’s happening in their state but I’m the minister of Women Affairs in Nigeria and I’m in charge of all women in the country. And that is my position. So whether it’s happening in their state or any other state, I have the right to get involved. And I don’t get involved if I’m not called upon. When my Children cry, I respond.

And again, I want to let you know. Why I went to Court is because the wedding was going to be held very soon. And I have said this marriage will not hold. I even said I would join the investigation to find out about the ages of these girls before we even started talking about it. And after that, the Niger state speaker came and we spoke at length. He explained to me that he meant well concerning these girls. He said he wanted to help and that he had not even met the girls before. So he is in the investigation with me to know these girls and know their age. Because he didn’t do that before making the pronouncement.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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