Struggle to stop watching the porn. Do not struggle at all. Just keep watching the porn—According to Abel Damina


In his recent sermon, Pastor Abel Damina reportedly declared that God is not a Christian and asked his audience to give up on the idea that only Christians will go to heaven, sparking controversy, according to the Punch story.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Speaking during a sermon on Monday, Damina, the senior pastor of Abel Damina Ministries International, challenged the traditional Christian perspective, stating, “Many of you think God is a Christian. God is not a Christian. Many of you think if you are not a Christian, you won’t go to heaven—lie. People went to heaven before Christianity started. Christianity started in Antioch in the Book of Acts. That should humble you a bit, and you should start adjusting your theology.”

He pointed out that biblical figures such as Abraham, David, and Jesus Christ were never referred to as Christians. Instead, he explained, they were called believers or disciples. “And it is unbelievers that gave the name Christianity that you are carrying as a condition to go to heaven—unbelievers who watch the people who were adherents of Brother Paul’s teachings,” he said. “Before then, they were called believers and almajiris. They were disciples of Paul.”

Damina further emphasized that the label of “Christian” came later and that many who went to heaven, including the thief on the cross, did so without the label. “You don’t have to be a Christian to make heaven,” he stated.

Known for his controversial views, Damina has often sparked debates with his sermons. Recently, he faced backlash for his comments on overcoming porn addiction. He advised those struggling with the addiction to continue watching pornography while immersing themselves in the word of God. “Don’t struggle to stop watching the porn. Don’t struggle at all. Just keep watching the porn. As you are watching porn, spend more time hearing the ‘word’. If you watch porn for one hour, spend three to four hours hearing the word of God,” he suggested.

Damina’s approach was met with criticism, especially from conservative Christians who felt he was encouraging sinful behavior. Pastor Gideon Odoma of the Fortress Ministry countered Damina’s advice, calling pornography a perversion. “Christians have trivialized sexcapades. The things God call iniquities, we must never call it flexing,” Odoma said.

Damina’s views continue to provoke strong reactions, reflecting the diverse interpretations within the Christian community.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>