Professor Bolaji Akinyemi statement. “If the presence of France and the United States in the Sahel has been beneficial, those countries will not be asking them to leave”

Professor Bolaji Akinyemi statement. "If the presence of France and the United States in the Sahel has been beneficial, those countries will not be asking them to leave"

Along with the planned US military facility close to the Niger-Nigeria border, Russia’s expansion into Niger, Mali, and the Sahel area has raised fears about possible conflict and the exacerbation of already-existing security issues. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Professor Bolaji Akinyemi, a former minister of foreign affairs, discussed his opinions on the subject when he appeared on Arise TV.

Akinyemi questioned the efficacy of France and the United States’ presence in the Sahel region, noting that if their presence had been beneficial, the countries in the region would not be calling for their departure. He highlighted the ongoing security threats posed by jihadist groups and ISIS, suggesting that their proximity to Nigeria could escalate security challenges in the region.

The former minister expressed concern about the implications of the proposed US military base for Nigeria’s security. He warned that bringing jihadist groups and ISIS closer to Nigeria’s borders could heighten security risks and destabilize the region further. Akinyemi emphasized the importance of national dialogue and discussion on such critical issues. He urged Nigerians to raise their concerns about the proposed US military base on a national platform.


Hear him: “If the presence of France and the United States in the Sahel has been beneficial, those countries will not be asking them to leave. Obviously, they have not found it beneficial. That is number one. Secondly, all you’ve done is to bring Jihadist and the ISIS border down to Nigeria. But there is a point that bothers me, and I wish those Nigerians who have raised this issue have done it on a national platform.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>


  1. Recolonizing Africa,as Prof. Lumumba pointed out and, additionally, creating a Boxing Ring for the Supper Powers bout in West Africa. No need for long-range missiles so that only the desert will be destroyed while preserving their far-apart It is even better for us to have Russia out of the continent. Let them engage in Star Wars where they will meet God’s forces.

  2. Your argument is to say we should fall prey to the other supper power already station on the opposite side than invite another on to guard our side. Already it is due to thatthere influx of terrorists and bandits and kidnappers aross the line. I put it to you that that will be irresponsility.

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