Open Grazing: It’s An Abuse Of The Sensitivity Of All Northern Nigerian People – According to Jamilu Charanchi

Open Grazing: It's An Abuse Of The Sensitivity Of All Northern Nigerian People - According to Jamilu Charanchi

The Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG) National Coordinator, Mr. Jamilu Charanchi, shared his opinions on the recent proposal made by some lawmakers to outlaw open grazing nationwide. To support their cattle and other farm animals, a few House of Assembly members have suggested banning open grazing and urging herders to adopt new techniques like ranching.


The legislators want to put an end to the tensions that have arisen in the past due to the open grazing problem between herders and farmers.

The lawmakers’ decision to put an end to herders’ practice of open grazing was strongly opposed by Mr. Jamilu Charanchi. He argued that the herders’ fundamental human right to conduct business throughout Nigeria would be violated if this regulation were to be enforced.

He posed a crucial query regarding who will pay for the establishment of these ranches, which the herders would use if the measure prohibiting open grazing is put into effect.

Speaking to Arise News Television in a recent interview, he stated, “The ranching is not the problem, but for someone just to wake up and decide to bring a bill to the house in order to stop movements of cattle from one place to another or from one state to another, that is ridiculous and unacceptable.”

“In fact, it is an abuse of the sensitivity of all Northern Nigerian people. Let’s talk about ranching first before we talk about open grazing. What do you have on the ground for these herders?”

“Do you have the settlements, the crops, all the grasses, and even the places to put in place for the ranching? These are questions that need to be asked.”