
Okuama:An Old Woman In Pure Water Attire Came Out Of The Community And Stared At Us–According to speedboat driver

The Officer Asked His Men To Drop Their Weapons, Then Okuama Youths Took The Weapons Away–According to Soldier

A speedboat driver recounted a terrifying story of escaping from the Okuama waterfront during a military assault on March 14, according to Vanguard. The driver who was employed by the military for the operation at the Gbaregolor community waterside related how the Army tried to force the Okuama community chair aboard their boat in the middle of a round of gunfire. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to the driver, events took a peculiar turn when, prior to the shooting, an old woman dressed in “pure water” attire emerged from the community, seemingly casting incantations. Shortly after, an old man in similar attire repeated the ritual. As the commander and his men attempted to bring the community chairman to the shore, the driver and his colleagues found themselves unable to start their engines, suspecting the supernatural influence of the old couple’s actions.

The driver’s testimony sheds light on the chaotic circumstances surrounding the operation, implicating mysterious occurrences that hindered their departure from the Okuama waterside. The incident underscores the complexities and challenges faced by those involved in military operations within such communities.

His words: “Before that incident (shooting), while waiting at the waterfront, an old woman in pure water attire came out of the community and stared at us, making some form of incantation, and went back to the community. Within a few minutes, an old man with similar attire came to the same spot, gazed at us, and performed the same way as the old woman.

“After this scenario, the commander and his men started coming to the shore with the community chairman. At this moment, I got ready to start my engine just like my colleagues, but the engines refused to start as all efforts were to no avail. At this point, I realized that the problem had come after witnessing the incantation by the old woman and the man. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

The Officer Asked His Men To Drop Their Weapons, Then Okuama Youths Took The Weapons Away–According to Soldier

The Officer Asked His Men To Drop Their Weapons, Then Okuama Youths Took The Weapons Away–According to Soldier

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