Obasanjo Should Be Held Responsible For Underdevelopment Of Nigeria From 1999 Until Now: According to Sobowale

Obasanjo Should Be Held Responsible For Underdevelopment Of Nigeria From 1999 Until Now: According to Sobowale

Veteran writer Dele Sobowale has accused former President Olusegun Obasanjo of being solely responsible for Nigeria’s underdevelopment from 1999 to the present. Sobowale claims that instead of fulfilling its promises to the Nigerian people, Obasanjo’s administration installed even more incompetent and dishonest successors. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Furthermore, Sobowale asserts that Obasanjo’s administration set a damaging precedent for corruption in governance, creating a template that subsequent leaders have followed to the detriment of the country. By holding Obasanjo accountable for his actions, Sobowale hopes to highlight the need for leaders to take responsibility for their failures and to work towards a better future for Nigeria.

According to what Silas Sobowale said in the report by Vanguard News, “We are heading for the fourth position. Obasanjo should be held mostly responsible for the underdevelopment of Nigeria from 1999 until now. His administration failed to redeem its promises to Nigerians, and he imposed successors worse than himself in every way imaginable. His administration also established the template for corruption in governance for others. Till today, we still don’t know how $13–16 billion meant to increase power supply to 10,000 MW per day vanished. The results are there for all to see.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>


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