After the Supreme Court ordered former presidential candidate Ambrose Owuru to take off his gown and wig at a court hearing, social media users had a variety of reactions. This follows the filing of a lawsuit in which he prayed for Bola Ahmed Tinubu to be removed from office as Nigeria’s president.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
According to CHANNELS TV, the court ordered the former presidential candidate to remove his gown and wig after he decided to argue his case himself.
However, the report further stated that the Supreme Court dismissed his suit praying for Tinubu’s removal and also ordered him to pay the sum of N5 million as fine.
It was also stated that the court ordered its Registry not to accept any frivolous suit from Owuru again.
Here Is what CHANNELS TV wrote;
“At the day’s proceedings, Owuru, who claimed to be a lawyer called to the Nigerian Bar in 1984, sought to argue his case wearing his wig and gown.
“He was ordered out of the Bar and directed to remove his wig and gown before he could be allowed to argue his case”.
However, after the post surfaced online, there were several reactions from social media users.
Kindly read a few comments from some of the people who shared their thoughts on the post below.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>