
Mike Bamiloye “I Have Not Stopped Wondering Why God Would Instruct Joseph To Take Baby Jesus And Flee Away”

Mike Bamiloye "I Have Not Stopped Wondering Why God Would Instruct Joseph To Take Baby Jesus And Flee Away"

Renowned Christian evangelist Mike Bamiloye posed provocative concerns regarding the biblical story of Joseph and Baby Jesus running away to Egypt to avoid King Herod’s wrath in a recent Facebook post. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

In his contemplation, he wonders why the all-powerful and all-knowing God did not use paranormal techniques to keep Jesus safe. Rather, Joseph was left with the duty of protecting the infant. According to the biblical story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph fled to Egypt with Mary and Jesus after receiving a warning in a dream that they would be killed if they were found to be male newborns in Bethlehem by King Herod. Bamiloye’s reflection explores the seeming contradiction between human activity and supernatural intervention in keeping Jesus safe.

According to him, “I have not stopped wondering why God would instruct Joseph to take Baby Jesus and flee away from the land of Judea into far away Egypt where King Herod could not come. I wondered why Jesus had to be carried away and flee. I wonder why the Lord could not dispatch thousands of angels to guide the Baby who had come into the world to save the world. Or, why didn’t the Lord God simply make Herod blind or just caused a stir in his palace or make him paralyze or do something to prevent him from pursuing Jesus ? He did not do any of such. It was Joseph who was expected to do something about his child, Baby Jesus. To do otherwise was to tempt God.”

“Therefore, we must not do what Jesus himself would not do. We must not tempt God. When you do not take care of your health, you are tempting God. When you are over-speeding while you or your driver is driving, you are tempting God. When you are eating or drinking what is unhealthy to our body system, you are tempting God. When you leave your property or goods unguarded, you are tempting God.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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