Khamenei:”An army that claimed to be one of the strongest in the world has been defeated, and not by a powerful govt”

Khamenei:"An army that claimed to be one of the strongest in the world has been defeated, and not by a powerful govt"

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, boldly stated on his verified Twitter account that the “Resistance Front” is becoming more and more powerful in the Middle East. According to Khamenei, this coalition—which consists of organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas—has defeated the Israeli military in spite of not having the support of a traditional, strong government.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Khamenei’s tweet emphasized the strategic and ideological strength of these groups, suggesting that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), once considered one of the world’s most formidable armies, have been humbled by these non-state actors. “Today, there is a large front in our region called the Resistance Front. The Zionist regime didn’t understand this correctly. An army that claimed to be one of the strongest in the world has been defeated, & not by a powerful govt. but by Resistance groups like Hamas & Hezbollah,” he wrote.

This statement comes in the context of ongoing tensions and conflicts in the region, where Iran has long been accused of supporting and arming militant groups opposed to Israel. The reference to the “Resistance Front” underscores Tehran’s view of a broad coalition against Israeli and Western influence in the Middle East.

Hamas and Hezbollah, both designated as terrorist organizations by several countries, including the United States and Israel, have been central players in regional conflicts. Hamas, based in Gaza, has engaged in multiple conflicts with Israel, often launching rocket attacks and facing severe retaliation. Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political party in Lebanon, has similarly engaged in confrontations with Israel and is seen as a proxy for Iranian interests in the region.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>