Joshua Iginla Warns Those Who Preach That Coming to Christ Means a Trouble-Free Life”They’re Liars”


The senior pastor and founder of Champions Royal Assembly, Prophet Joshua Iginla, recently sent out a strong caution to individuals who teach that following Christ ensures a trouble-free existence. Iginla stressed in a YouTube video that these kinds of ideas are false and go against what the Bible says.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Drawing from John 16:33, Iginla highlighted Jesus’ words: “I have told you these things, that in this world you shall have tribulation. But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

He explained that the word “tribulation” is not merely advice but a promise and prophecy. “As long as you are in this world, you will have troubles. Tribulation means many troubles. When it is one trouble, it is a problem; when it becomes many troubles, it is tribulation,” he clarified.

He criticized those who propagate the notion that coming to Christ eliminates life’s difficulties, calling them liars. “These people who preach to you that when you come to Christ you will not have trouble are liars. Trials are part of the vitamins, carbohydrates, and protein that make us solid in the church. Stop running from trouble,” Iginla urged.

Iginla detailed the various challenges Christians might face, including hatred, betrayal, false accusations, and loss of loved ones.

“In this world, people will hate you. In this world, they will betray you. In this world, they will gang up against you. In this world, they will lie against you. In this world, they will backbite you. In this world, you are going to lose loved ones. In this world, those you trust might plot to scam you,” he said.

He further stated that true greatness is not defined by one’s current status or outward glamour but by the trials endured. “Any great man you see who has not gone through tribulation is counterfeit. Greatness is not defined by the present status or the glamour; it is defined by the process that brought the arrival,” Iginla concluded.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>