
Iran Is The Greatest Enemy, Not Only Of Israel, But Also Of Europe And The Entire World”:According to Israel Katz

Iran Is The Greatest Enemy, Not Only Of Israel, But Also Of Europe And The Entire World

Israel’s former foreign minister, Israel Katz, has complimented the Group of Seven (G7) nations for their hard stance against Iran’s export of ballistic missiles, which he thinks poses a huge threat not only to Israel but to Europe and the globe.Katz’s statement, made on his verified Twitter account, came after the G7 countries condemned Iran for its involvement in the proliferation of ballistic missiles that are now endangering Ukraine and Europe.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

In his remarks, Katz emphasized that the G7 ministers are echoing a position he has long held, warning that Iran is a global threat. “Iran is the greatest enemy, not only of Israel, not only of the Middle East, but also of Europe and the entire world,” Katz wrote, reinforcing his view that Tehran’s ambitions extend far beyond the region.


Iran Is The Greatest Enemy, Not Only Of Israel, But Also Of Europe And The Entire World


Katz was particularly critical of Iran’s leadership, singling out Iran’s president and foreign minister as mere continuations of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s longstanding policies. He condemned these policies, which he claimed are focused on exporting revolution and spreading violence, missiles, and terrorism worldwide.

The Israeli politician urged Canada, Japan, and Italy to join the United States and key European countries in imposing additional sanctions on Iran. Furthermore, he called for the European Union to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as the largest terrorist organization in the world.

Katz concluded his post by calling for global unity, warning that while Israel is Iran’s first target, the Islamic Republic’s ambitions threaten the entire world. “The world must unite to stop Iran now before it is too late,” he urged, emphasizing the urgency of collective action.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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