Iginla:”Stop Acting As If You Are The Special Adviser Or Instructor To God, Focus On Your Assignment”

Prophet Joshua Iginla Explains One Way To Recognize That You Are Still Carnal

The founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, prominent Christian leader Prophet Joshua Iginla, recently shared a moving message with his followers on Facebook. In her discussion of the character of God’s kingdom, Iginla stressed the value of humility and surrendering to the will of God above human opinion.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

“The kingdom of God is not an individualistic enterprise that works according to man’s opinions or instructions,” Iginla stated.

He stressed that God’s decisions are not influenced by human perspectives, and the best believers can do is to pray. He admonished those who act as if they are special advisers to God, urging them to focus instead on their God-given assignments.

He said, “Stop acting as if you are the special adviser or instructor to God, focus on your assignment and let God decide those that truly align with His kingdom realities.”

Quoting 1 Corinthians 2:16, Iginla reminded his audience, “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him?” He underscored that no individual holds the ultimate authority in spiritual matters.

Prophet Iginla’s message comes at a time when many religious communities are grappling with internal and external challenges. His words serve as a call for believers to trust in God’s ultimate plan and to seek alignment with His kingdom realities. He concluded his message with a prophetic declaration:

He then encouraged Christians to reflect on their roles within the broader framework of divine purpose. He prayed, “I prophesy, you shall walk according to God’s decisions for the betterment of your assignment in the kingdom. In Jesus name.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>