
Herders Reveals “The owner came and started insulting us. We begged him, but he refuseed

Herders Reveals "The owner came and started insulting us. We begged him, but he refuseed

Herders in Katsina State have shared their thoughts on the altercation with members of the security corps. One herder described how he chopped leaves off of a tree to feed his cows in a video that Arise News posted. The landowner asked the herders to halt, but they refused. As a result, the landowner asked security guards for help in getting the herders and their animals out of there. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

However, during interrogation, a herdsman claimed that the landowner insulted them and ignored their pleas. The herdsman stated, “When we were cutting the leaves of the tree, the owner came and started insulting us. We begged him, but he refused.”

The herdsman’s account sheds light on the escalating tensions between the herders and the landowner, illustrating a breakdown in communication and understanding. Such conflicts underscore the importance of dialogue and mediation to address grievances and prevent further confrontations between different stakeholders in the community.

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Click on the link below to watch the video starting at the 0:43 minute mark.


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