
FCT: Ben Igweh, If you see someone flashing torch in the hills by 1a.m to 3am, know it is kidnappers

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The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Commissioner of Police, Ben Igweh, has provided an explanation of the steps taken to guarantee safety in Abuja. He gave a description of an operation known as “Operation Dominate the Boundaries,” in which police officers are stationed to patrol Abuja’s entire perimeter.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

In a video shared by Channels TV, Igweh emphasized the importance of being vigilant, especially during late hours. He said if residents see someone flashing torch in the hills between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m., the person is likely not a hunter but a kidnapper. He also said in areas like Bwari, police officers are stationed in the bushes day and night to monitor for any suspicious activities

In Igweh’s words: “If you see someone flashing touch in the hills by 1 a.m. to 3.a.m you don’t need to ask who is the person because if the person is a hunter, there is area he would be. When you see such torchlight flashing, know it is people coming to do kidnapping. You quickly respond”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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