Ezeala described a specific event in a video that AIT posted. In this incidence, a pregnant lady who was in labour and on her way to the hospital with her husband was stopped by criminals from IPOB/ESN. He said that the crooks wanted the lady for the purpose of performing a ceremony.
Ezeala also said that he had experienced a personal tragedy: his 98-year-old uncle had been mercilessly slaughtered by the same organisation. He said that his family had to bury his uncle’s remains without his head.
According to Ezeala, “They (IPOB/ESN) beheaded my uncle, who was 98 years old. They cut off his head, and we have buried his corpse without it till now. In Orsu, criminals went so far as to stop a guy who was escorting his wife, who was in labour, to the hospital. They told him that they required the lady in labour for a ceremony.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>