Speaking at the Arewa Movement for Good Governance Conference in Kaduna, elder statesman Dr. Usman Bugaje expressed concern about the deteriorating circumstances in Northern Nigeria, stating that if the region’s severe issues are not resolved immediately, it may completely collapse, according to DAILY TRUST.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
Dr. Bugaje highlighted poverty, insecurity, and corruption as the main challenges and revealed that nearly 60% of students in higher institutions are unable to return to school because their parents cannot afford tuition and transport fees.
He also said that poverty in the region has more than doubled over the past 25 years, with over 33 million Nigerians facing hunger.
He pointed out that Nigeria’s currency has lost significant value, making the minimum wage insufficient to buy basic items like a bag of rice.
Dr. Bugaje criticized the growing insecurity in the North, saying it has spread to alarming levels, this, he noted, has disrupted trade, commerce, and agriculture, which are the backbone of the region’s economy.
He also expressed concern over decaying public institutions and poor infrastructure, especially the unreliable electricity supply, adding that neighboring Niger Republic is doing better in this regard.
According to him, the social sector is the worst hit, with increasing unemployment and a decline in human capital.
He described many youths as unemployable due to a lack of quality education and skills and blamed politicians for failing to address these issues, accusing them of focusing on self-interest, supported by praise singers and political thugs.
Dr. Bugaje also criticized the weakening of traditional and religious institutions by politicians and called for a united effort among northern elites to tackle these problems, warning that history would not forgive them if they failed.
“The North is facing serious challenges, and we are not addressing them. It’s worrying and disturbing. We need to sit down and address these issues.”
“Insecurity has spread and escalated to previously inconceivable levels, frustrating trade, commerce, and agriculture—the mainstay of the region’s economy. Public institutions are decaying and failing in service delivery.”
“The social sector is the worst hit, as human capital is dwindling, and there are no jobs for the largely unemployable youth. In short, Nigeria is simply not working.”
“Our shameless politicians bask in false glory, reading empty speeches, embellished by a growing industry of praise singers, hangers-on, and an army of thugs, many of whom are drug users.”
“History will not forgive Nigerian elites for their failure to address the problems facing the entire country,” he said.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>