
Ben Igweh ‘If You Go To Bwari, You Will See Our Gallant Men In The Bushes Day And Night’

Ben Igweh 'If You Go To Bwari, You Will See Our Gallant Men In The Bushes Day And Night'

Ben Igweh, the FCT Commissioner of Police, has emphasized the officers’ unwavering attention to detail, especially in Bwari, where they constantly patrol the bushes day and night. He said that this ongoing presence guarantees quick reactions to any suspicious activity by the bandits who enter the FCT via the hills. He mentioned how many kidnapping attempts have been foiled thanks in large part to their preventive tactics.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He said in an interview with Channels TV, ”We are carrying out operation dominates the boundaries at the moment. If you go to Bwari, you will see our gallant men in the bushes day and night. When you see somebody flashing torch on the hill by 11 pm, 1 am, 2 am, or 3 am, you don’t need to ask who is the person.

You will easily know that these are people who are coming to do kidnapping and you quickly respond. There are so many kidnapping attempts that we have foiled and we have carried out so so many rescue missions as well.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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