
“Fighting for its life,” is Israel. I went to the UN to refute “slanders and lies: Benjamin Netanya


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly declared that Israel is “fighting for its life” in a passionate speech at the UN General Assembly on Friday, as reported by The Times of Israel. His words, which emphasized the existential challenges to his country, were made in the midst of rising Middle East tensions.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Netanyahu began by stating that he had not initially intended to attend this year’s assembly, highlighting the urgent nature of his message. “We are in a battle for our very existence,” he said. “But after I heard the lies and slanders from the UN, I felt it was my duty to come here and set the record straight.”

The Prime Minister’s comments were framed against a backdrop of increasing criticisms of Israel’s military operations and treatment of Palestinian civilians. Netanyahu responded to these criticisms directly, asserting that “Israel seeks peace, Israel yearns for peace, Israel has made peace and will make peace again.” He emphasized the nation’s ongoing commitment to pursuing diplomatic solutions despite the surrounding hostility.

However, Netanyahu did not shy away from detailing the threats Israel faces. He characterized the adversaries as “savage enemies who seek our annihilation,” warning that they pose a danger not only to Israel but to civilization as a whole. “These enemies do not just threaten us; they seek to destroy the values that underpin our societies,” he stated, emphasizing the broader implications of Israel’s security struggles.

Interspersed throughout his address were references to Israel’s historical attempts at peace. He pointed to past treaties with Egypt and Jordan as evidence of Israel’s willingness to engage in dialogue, despite the ongoing hostilities from other groups. His remarks underscored the complexity of Israel’s position, balancing a desire for peace with the necessity of national security.

In a particularly forceful segment of his speech, Netanyahu declared that the international community must recognize the reality of the threats facing Israel. “The time for half-measures and vague assurances is over. The world must understand that standing with Israel is standing against tyranny,” he asserted. This call for solidarity resonated with many Israeli officials present, who see an urgent need for greater international support amid rising tensions.

Netanyahu also addressed Iran’s nuclear ambitions, describing them as a significant existential threat. “Iran is not just a regional power; it seeks to dominate the world and is determined to obtain nuclear weapons,” he warned, calling on the UN and the international community to adopt a firmer stance against Tehran’s aggressive actions.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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