
We do not want to turn Nigeria into Sudan, we are talking about hunger, not burials – According to Bola Tinubu


President Tinubu has responded to inquiries regarding the anticipated statewide demonstration in Nigeria. He claimed that the protest’s organizers may possibly be foreign residents and have no true concern for the nation. According to Tinubu, who was quoted in a recent article by The Sun, the protest organizers may not be entirely devoted to Nigeria and may hold passports from other countries. He cautioned against making Nigeria resemble the violently unstable nation of Sudan.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

In Tinubu’s words: “The sponsors of the protests do not love our country. They have no love for the nation. They do not understand citizenship. They have alternative passports. They are in different parts of the world holding meetings virtually. We do not want to turn Nigeria into Sudan. We are talking about hunger, not burials. We have to be careful. We should be careful with premature politics; politics of hate, and anger. The internet has made it possible to hold meetings in artificial settings. They hold meetings and sponsor anger’’CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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