
Minimum Wage: NLC Vows to Reject FG’s N62,000 Offer Insists on N250,000


According to The Guardian, the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) is locked in a stalemate with the Federal Government over a proposed increase in the minimum wage. The NLC is demanding a significant raise to N250,000 ($578 USD), whereas the government has proposed a much lower N62,000 ($144 USD). The NLC has rejected the government’s offer, arguing that it is insufficient to keep pace with rising inflation and the high cost of living in Nigeria. Negotiations between the two sides have reportedly been unsuccessful so far.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

The NLC is emphasizing the need for a minimum wage that allows Nigerian workers to afford basic necessities. They argue that the current minimum wage is simply not enough, particularly in the face of increasing costs. The Kano State government has offered a glimmer of hope, expressing a willingness to improve worker salaries. However, it remains to be seen if this will be enough to bridge the gap between the two sides and avert a potential crisis.

This situation has the potential to cause significant disruption in Nigeria, as worker strikes or protests could erupt if an agreement isn’t reached. The Guardian reports that the NLC is prepared to reject any offer that they deem inadequate, raising the possibility of industrial action in the coming weeks.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

FG fine-tune talks on minimum wage: Labour

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