
James Ugwu:”A bill passed the 1st reading, somebody is already clearing a site for Orlu State secretariat”

James Ugwu:"A bill passed the 1st reading, somebody is already clearing a site for Orlu State secretariat"

In an interview, Chief Hon. James Ugwu, the leader of the Adada State Creation Movement, discussed his opinions on a bill that would establish Orlu State in the Southeast. He claimed he did not consider it as a threat, pointing out that the constitution outlines the processes for forming new states, as The Sun reported.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Ugwu stated that states are not created merely by moving motions on the floor of the House, citing Section 8 (1) which outlines the required steps. These steps include obtaining the signatures of stakeholders such as elected local government chairmen, councillors, House of Assembly members, senators, and House of Representatives members from the area requesting the state creation.

According to Ugwu, all these stakeholders must sign the request before it is sent to the National Assembly, at which point motions can be considered. He expressed doubt that the proponents of Orlu State followed these procedures, especially since two constituencies from the area had withdrawn their support.

Ugwu also mentioned his concern that preparations, such as clearing a site for the Orlu State secretariat, were already underway even though the bill had only passed the first reading. He viewed this as presumptuous and unrealistic but cautioned against dismissing it entirely due to the unpredictable nature of Nigerian politics.

“Can you imagine that a bill passed the first reading, and somebody is already clearing a site for the Orlu State secretariat, playing god! They are joking, but we should not sweep it under the carpet because of how Nigeria is. Anything can happen,” he said.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Chief Hon James Ugwu:"I appeal to southern Igbo to see reasons the sixth state should be given to the northern Igbos"

Chief Hon James Ugwu:”I appeal to southern Igbo to see reasons the sixth state should be given to the northern Igbos”

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Armed robbers kill a retired army general in their Abuja home.