
Primate Elijah Ayodele Announced A New Prophetic Prayer

What I Am Seeing That Will Happen In The Next 8 Months Will Shock Nigerians - According to Primate Ayodele

Primate Ayodele, a well-known religious figure, made a stirring speech directed at people who are having marital problems in a recent Facebook video. He calls for divine intervention to cut connections with people who endanger one’s advancement and well-being in an empowering and hopeful message. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Primate Ayodele declares with unshakeable trust and conviction that God Almighty will step in to keep people apart from any friends or acquaintances who are out to get them or who are planning to cause them harm or obstruction. He calls on supernatural power to raise and shield individuals who are susceptible to harmful influences by invoking the name of Jesus.

According to him, “I declare upon your life today that any man or woman who is acting as a friend to destroy your life, God Almighty shall separate you from them in the mighty name of Jesus. Anyone who seems not to add value to your endeavours, God Almighty shall separate you from them. And you shall be elevated in the mighty name of Jesus.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Over 100 kidnapped victims were rescued by police in Katsina, and five suspected bandits were neutralized.

Over 100 kidnapped victims were rescued by police in Katsina, and five suspected bandits were neutralized.

Mike Bamiloye "I Have Not Stopped Wondering Why God Would Instruct Joseph To Take Baby Jesus And Flee Away"

Mike Bamiloye “I Have Not Stopped Wondering Why God Would Instruct Joseph To Take Baby Jesus And Flee Away”