
We Told Buhari It Requires 7Trillion To Form Government, He Staggered And Wanted To Collapse- According to Dalung

We Told Buhari It Requires 7Trillion To Form Government, He Staggered And Wanted To Collapse- According to Dalung

Solomon Dalung, the former Minister of Youth and Sports, told a startling story from Muhammadu Buhari’s early days in government in an interview with TrustTv. Dalung claims that when Buhari was informed by the transition committee, of which he was a member, that it would take $7 trillion to create his government, he became so distraught that he almost quit. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Dalung said, “Buhari himself inherited an empty Treasury. I remember Buhari wanting to resign because I was a member of the transition committee that took over power, and when we briefed Buhari and informed him that he would require $7 trillion to form a government, Buhari staggered and wanted to collapse. It took the intervention of people around him to support him, and he left for the hospital that night, so Buhari met the same situation, but Buhari worked harder than them because, within a year, we were able to move Nigeria out of recession and record 2.7% growth. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Paul Alaje "Instead of Importing Rice into Nigeria, I advise FG To Allow us Import Paddy Rice"

Paul Alaje “Instead of Importing Rice into Nigeria, I advise FG To Allow us Import Paddy Rice”

I Will Give CBN Governor 5 Bank Names, & He Should Go After Their Managing Directors - According to Ayo Oyalowo

I Will Give CBN Governor 5 Bank Names, & He Should Go After Their Managing Directors – According to Ayo Oyalowo