
Sen Ndume ‘The Removal Of Fuel Subsidy Was Welcomed By All Nigerians Though It Had Consequences’

Ali Reveals The Value Of Naira To Dollar Has Fallen To N1700 But We Are Selling Our Major Product In Dollars

Sen. Ali Ndume, a senator from Borno South, claims that despite the fact that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s decision to end the oil subsidy may have far-reaching effects, Nigerians as a whole supported the move. He stated that the government is open to workable options to mitigate the impact of the elimination of subsidies, emphasizing the value of constructive criticism in the event that the measures put in place prove insufficient. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He said in an interview with Channels TV, ”We did what the people wanted and we are looking for a solution. People were saying remove the oil subsidy and the President reacted by removing the oil subsidy. If you implement or you act in such a way and it’s not working, you bring forth suggestion as to what you think will work and then if it is workable, the government will definitely implement that. The removal of oil subsidy was welcomed by all Nigerians though it had consequences. Then if you say that we have not managed the consequence very well. That is another thing.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Ali Reveals The Value Of Naira To Dollar Has Fallen To N1700 But We Are Selling Our Major Product In Dollars

Ali Reveals The Value Of Naira To Dollar Has Fallen To N1700 But We Are Selling Our Major Product In Dollars

Why the Southeast is not taking part in protests against economic hardships- According to Prof Okey Ikechukwu

Why the Southeast is not taking part in protests against economic hardships- According to Prof Okey Ikechukwu