
It Is Not About Our Governors, Ministers Nor Our Presidents. It’s What We Think About Nigeria-According to Iginla

It Is Not About Our Governors, Ministers Nor Our Presidents. It's What We Think About Nigeria-According to Iginla

Famous priest Joshua Iginla recently made a point in a YouTube video about the crucial role that individual individuals play in determining Nigeria’s future, stressing that the attitudes and actions of the people as a whole have a substantial influence on the course of the country. In a frank appraisal, Iginla urges Nigerians to examine their beliefs and behaviors, pointing out that the country’s aspirations to greatness are hampered by the general lack of discipline among the populace. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to him, “It is not about our Governors nor our Ministers. It is not about our commissioners not our presidents. It is what we think about Nigeria that makes up Nigeria. When we talk about our leaders giving us what we want, they also want to see what the citizens are doing in order to contribute to Nigeria’s greatness. Thus, there is a lot of indiscipline in our nation Nigeria.”

Contrary to popular belief that the responsibility for Nigeria’s progress rests solely on the shoulders of political leaders, Iginla contends that citizens’ contributions are equally vital in shaping the country’s future. He asserts that the behavior and mindset of Nigerians collectively contribute to the overall state of the nation, influencing the effectiveness of governance and the attainment of national objectives. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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