
Eyetan “I Fought The Liberian War & Out Of 350 Battalions, I Was The Only Woman There & I Survived It”

Eyetan "I Fought The Liberian War & Out Of 350 Battalions, I Was The Only Woman There & I Survived It"

Roseline Eyetan, a female soldier who served as a Major before retiring, has shared her incredible and terrifying experience of being a combatant for Nigeria during several conflicts. She talked about her experience fighting in Liberia, where she was the only woman in 350 battalions to survive the conflict. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Later, she reported that, of 285 battalions in Borno state during the early stages of the Boko Haram insurgency, she was one of 11 women and that only 96 people—including herself—had survived the ordeal. She went on to describe how she was involved in the Jos, Plateau state battle, when she was shot in the hand, unfortunately killing two people who were standing behind her.

She said in an interview with Punch, ”I was on the field and I fought in some wars. I took part in two to three wars. I fought the Liberian war and out of 350 battalions, I was the only woman there and I survived it. Then the second war I fought was the first Boko Haram insurgency in Borno state, we were about 11 ladies who were with the men and we had 285 battalion and out of the 285, only 96 survived it.

And among the 96 who survived it, I am among. The last one was in Jos, Plateau state; although I was hit by a bullet in my hand during the battle, after the bullet hit me, it went through and killed two persons behind me; I believe I am lucky to have escaped.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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Slain Rivers DPO: 2Baba was hit with bullets, he fell flat on the ground but his boys took him away” —According to Police

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