
The CDS Told Us That When Boko Haram Fighters Are Arrested, They Are Released In Court -According to Gen Temlong

The CDS Told Us That When Boko Haram Fighters Are Arrested, They Are Released In Court -According to Gen Temlong

Brigadier General Jonathan Temlong, a retired Army officer, has expressed doubts on the efficacy of the criminal justice system by pointing to cases in which Boko Haram members are freed from prison and go on to carry out new assaults. He emphasized the blatant dangers faced by kidnappers who threaten law enforcement organizations by saying their other colleague will liberate them. The speaker underscored the imperative nature of tackling these systemic deficiencies, contending that true security can never be achieved in the absence of appropriate responsibility and deterrence. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He said in an interview with Channels TV, ”Have we done much about the criminal justice system? The CDS [Chief of Defense Staff] told us that when Boko Haram fighters are arrested, they are released in court. And they go back viciously to attack again. The Kidnappers will threaten even the policeman. They will say when you arrest me, my people will come to release me. These are some things that is seriously missing. If somebody knows that if he commits an offense, he will use the process of crime to go and get his colleagues, then security is a mirage.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

'Each Time A Kidnapper Uses A Phone To Communicate, The Device Connects To A Cell Tower' -According to Col Labo

‘Each Time A Kidnapper Uses A Phone To Communicate, The Device Connects To A Cell Tower’ -According to Col Labo

If We Want To Dominate Our Forest Against Bandits, We Need A Million Or More Boots On Ground-According to Temlong

If We Want To Dominate Our Forest Against Bandits, We Need A Million Or More Boots On Ground-According to Temlong