
We Need Help And If We Can Get It From Russians, Chinese, And Iranians, We Should Do So, According to Fani-Kayode

We Need Help And If We Can Get It From Russians, Chinese, And Iranians, We Should Do So, According to Fani-Kayode

According to a Vanguard report, Femi Fani-Kayode, the former minister of aviation, stated in a statement that Nigeria needs assistance and that the government should seek assistance from the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian governments in order to bring about peace. He added that it would be futile to turn to the West for assistance. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

According to what Femi Fani-Kayode said, “We need help, and if we can get it from the Russians, the Chinese, and even the Iranians, in order to restore our peace, self-respect, freedom, dignity, and prosperity, we should do so. Asking the West for help either in intelligence gathering, advice, or covert military operations when it comes to the fight against the terrorists and insurgents in Nigeria is like asking the big bad wolf to save little Red Riding Hood. It cannot work because ultimately they are the hidden hand behind our numerous travails, and they are the enemy.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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