Following his rejection from the Napoli squad, well-known Nollywood actor, producer, and director Ugezu J. Ugezu used social media to address Victor Osimhen. On Saturday, August 31, 2024, renowned blogger Mazi Tunde Ednut announced on his official Instagram profile that Victor Osimhen has been cut from the Napoli squad since he was unable to come to a deal with another team during the transfer window. The news caused a lot of people to react, including Nollywood actor Ugezu J Ugezu.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
Reacting to the news, Ugezu stated that Victor Osimhen should go and apologize to former Super Eagles head coach, Finidi George. He further stressed that those who feel they can flog must never make the mistake of flogging the masquerade leading the pack.
“In his Words”
“Make him apologize to Finidi George ooo. Those who feel they can flog must never make the mistake of flogging the masquerade leading the pack”, Ugezu J Ugezu wrote and it stirred massive reactions from the general public.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>