According to SAN Olisa Agbakoba, a former president of the Nigeria Bar Association [NBA], former President Muhammadu Buhari chose to marry off his children during the Covid-19 lockdown time. He made a contrast by bringing up the instance of former UK minister Boris Johnson, who lost his job as a result of disobeying lockdown regulations during the Covid-19 outbreak by going to a birthday party in June 2020. He said that even after Johnson apologized, he was still held accountable for breaking the rules, demonstrating his accountability. He maintained that in order to improve democracy, leaders must be held responsible for all of their actions while in power.
He said in an interview with Vanguard, ”We need responsible and accountable leadership. Boris Johnson lost his job because he broke the lockdown rules during the Covid-19 pandemic after attending a gathering on his birthday in June 2020. He was photographed while holding a bottle of coke in his hands and they held him to account for breaking the rules. He apologized but he lost his job. That is accountability. Buhari married off his children during COVID-19 and spent billions of naira and nothing happened.” CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>