However, in an interview with TVC, Daniel Bwala, a legal expert, expressed concerns about the proposed merger of the Army University in Biu, Borno State, and the Nigerian Defense Academy. He highlighted the distinct roles of these institutions, emphasizing that merging them could diminish their individual purposes and the specialized training they offer. He argued that preserving the autonomy of these institutions is crucial for maintaining their effectiveness and meeting the diverse needs of the armed forces
In Bwala’s words: “The intention is to merge Army University in Biu and Defense Academy, that won’t work. The reason is simple, the Nigerian Defense Academy is like the Nigerian Law School where you train people to become barristers. The Army University is the university of commissioned servicemen. So if you merge them, that means you are turning the Army University to be like merely a faculty.
“And look at the investment and infrastructure they have, the kind of training that has been given to people, and, in fact, the call around the world for there to be a university for the armed forces so that you can teach them civil engagements without prejudice to their military knowledge. At the end of the day, the President will have to leave Army University where it is and leave the Defense Academy to be”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>