Ishaya Markus, 35, has reportedly been taken into custody by the Adamawa State police for fatally stabbing Franchise Albert, according to a Daily Post report. According to reports, the event started when Markus had an affair with Albert’s wife, Libiyatu. Markus had already received a warning from Albert to give up on his wife. According to Libiyatu, after the warning, Ishaya followed her, led her into the bush, and had five sexual encounters with her.
Libiyatu said, “My husband had warned us when he got wind of what we were doing. He and I fought over the issue, as a result of which I left for my parents’ house. Ishaya followed and took me into the bush, having an affair with me after the warning. He slept with me five times.”
Libiyatu said she and her husband resolved the issue, and he told her to come back to their matrimonial home, but Ishaya kept following her. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>