In an interview with Channels TV recently shared on YouTube, Inko-Tariah highlighted Wike’s past stance against godfatherism and interference in governance. He said Wike once told Ambode, a one-term of Lagos State, that Godfatherism would be resisted in Rivers State and he pledged not to interfere in the government of his successor once out of office. He criticized Wike for allegedly pressuring Governor Fubara to follow his directives rather than the will of the people
In Inko-Tariah’s words: “You told Ambode who served one term that Godfatherism will be resisted in Rivers. You also said you would never interfere once you left office as a governor because you hated when people interfered in your government. You made all these promises but unfortunately, after you left, you wanted the governor to do exactly everything that you want him to do and not what the people want him to do”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>