Pastor Adeboye exposes the danger of God’s neutrality in a recent YouTube video, as well as the inevitable outcome of opposing God. Pastor Adeboye clarifies the important lesson discovered via Joshua’s contact with divine consequences by using the biblical story of Joshua as a guide. Pastor Adeboye reassures believers that ultimately, triumph lies in aligning with God’s will, stressing the futility of fighting against God. He clarifies that being neutral toward God might result in failure and exhorts people to ask for divine direction and favor in whatever they do. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
According to him, “I have told you in the past, if you fight against God, you will lose. There’s nobody who can fight against God and win, that is simple. But I’ve also told you, if God is neutral, if he is not fighting you but he is not helping you, you will lose! Joshua had discovered that in a very dramatic manner and he was afraid. “Okay, I’ve restituted my ways, I’ve killed Achan, God, what next now? What is my future going to be like?” I pray once again, from this moment onward you will never suffer another defeat! So God said, alright, let’s begin where we should begin, “fear not.” I pray for all of us who have something to fear right now, in the name that’s above every other name, whatever is causing your fear will disappear.”
If you believe this shout a big amen. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>