The herder had suggested through a TikTok video that these payments were a common practice whenever the herders intended to stay for extended periods.
However, Eze Okeke dismissed these claims as harmful lies. He said that as traditional rulers, they are fully aware of their responsibilities and would never endanger the lives of their people for money. He described the allegations as both embarrassing and ridiculous. He urged the public not to believe such accusations unless there is solid evidence to back them up. He invited anyone with credible proof of such misconduct to come forward and identify the wrongdoers.
In Okeke’s words: “I feel highly compelled to rise to the occasion and react to the dangerous and highly destructive misinformation that filtered into the media space, through a TikTok social media content, orchestrated by a so-called Fulani herdsman who alleged that the herders have always paid huge sums of money to Igbo traditional rulers before they gain access to our forests to graze their cattles whenever they plan to stay over longer period of time stretching to months”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>