Renowned bandit leader Bello Turji has issued a video statement urging an end to the hostilities between the Hausa and Fulani people. Turji asserts in the video that PRNigeria was able to collect and translate that there is no way to win this conflict and that it will just result in more deaths. Turji, who is well-known for his involvement in a number of illegal operations, such as kidnapping and armed robbery, sent a message to the Hausa people and his “Fulani brethren” asking them to set aside their differences and strive for peace.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
He asserted that his gang had taken up arms in self-defense because the violence had claimed many lives, including his family’. Turji further asserted that the Fulani people had been targeted and slain and charged that the government and security services had failed to protect them. The bandit chieftain urged community and religious leaders to get engaged in the peace efforts, threatening his group with further violence if the Fulani people’s deaths did not end.
Turji’s message is delivered at a time when the area is still plagued by violence and insecurity, with many urging a stop to the killing and a diplomatic settlement to the dispute. Remember how Bello Turji and his group were reportedly celebrating their recent capture of an armored personnel carrier (APC) from the Nigerian Army in an amateur internet video? The group was heard bragging in the video about obtaining a sizable cache of ammunition. However, PRNigeria was notified by reliable local security sources in the state’s northwest that the terrorists did not take the military vehicle by force.
Rather, the sources clarified that during a fruitless high-level peace conference between bandits and residents in Zurmi, the APC got bogged in a swampy location while forces responded to a distress call. The soldiers had no choice but to leave the vehicle and head back to their base to await reinforcements and an appropriate vehicle to tow the APC.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>