A well-known personality in international geopolitics is Amjad Taha, a political strategist and analyst from the United Arab Emirates. He spoke about the latest developments in the wake of Israel’s military strikes. Israel sent a powerful statement to the globe, proving its dedication to reason and peace.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
On his X page, Taha noted that Israel could have chosen to escalate tensions or even destroy Iran. However, it opted to reveal Tehran’s vulnerabilities instead. By remaining in Iranian airspace for an hour and reaching all intended targets without opposition, Israel demonstrated its restraint. This calculated response not only signifies Israel’s respect for its American allies but also acknowledges regional voices advocating for restraint, reflecting a true desire for peaceful coexistence with its neighbors and the international community.
However, a pressing question persists: does Tehran genuinely seek peace? And what about Hamas? The evidence strongly suggests the answer is no. Israel’s recent actions have presented a clear option for peace. Yet, in this evolving Middle East, there is no room for the terrorism of Hezbollah and Hamas, which threaten not only Israel but also the possibility of lasting peace in the region.
On his Verified X page, He said,CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>