
Akeugbagold’The Holy Prophet Would Go After Terrorists To Fight Them, He Would Never Negotiate’

Akeugbagold'The Holy Prophet Would Go After Terrorists To Fight Them, He Would Never Negotiate'

In response to Sheikh Gumi’s request for talks with bandits, Sheikh Taofeeq Akeugbagold, the president of the Supreme Council for Islamic Preachers in the South West, claimed that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) actively opposed terrorists rather than holding talks with them. He cited the lack of any precedence in Islamic teachings to voice concerns about the moral ramifications of engaging in negotiations with terrorists. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

He highlighted the futility of Gumi’s negotiation efforts, pointing out the continued cycle of violence fueled by the funds acquired through such interactions. He urged Gumi to emulate the exemplary teachings of his father, renowned for his devoutness and wisdom.

He said in an interview with Tribune, ”Why would you negotiate with terrorists? Sheikh Gumi should show us a single hadith of the Holy Prophet where he negotiated with terrorists, it never happened. The Holy Prophet would go after Terrorists to fight and win them, he would never negotiate.

I’m appealing to Sheikh Gumi, he comes from a noble home and his father has a reputation as one of the most respected clerics. Gumi should take after his father. He should go back to the classroom and reach people Islam, and guide people towards the way of Allah instead of going into the bush to negotiate with terrorists. It’s not Islamic and since he has been negotiating has there been a solution? The money they collect they use it to buy arms again.”

A Kaduna-based cleric, Sheikh Ahmad Gumi had openly advocated for negotiation with Bandits in recent times. And lately, Gumi demanded that the government should take quick measures of engaging the bandits in a dialogue and incorporate them back into the society. He stated that the same method of Amnesty that was used to end the Niger Delta militancy should be used to end Banditry in the North. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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