Leah is the sole Dapchi schoolgirl currently held captive by Boko Haram, making her case particularly terrible, according to Mohammed, who made this statement in a video that TVC posted on YouTube. She brought up the fact that five other Dapchi girls had perished and that their bodies had never returned to Dapchi.
Mohammed said Leah has had children and that she may have been married off to a Boko Haram commander. She also said that there are likely many more women and girls who remain unaccounted for that are with Boko Haram and are not part of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls or Dapchi schoolgirls
In Mohammed’s words: “Leah has had children so clearly she has been married off to a Boko Haram commander and believe me for every Chibok girl or Dapchi girl that has gone, there are at least 10 other women and girls that are unaccounted for”. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>