
After Injecting Me, Abdulkareem Will Strip Me Naked, Throw Me In Psychiatric Hospitall”: According to Private Ruth


The Nigerian Army has declared that Private Ruth, a soldier from Nigeria who recently requested help on social media, is mentally ill. Ruth vehemently denied the military’s allegations in an exclusive interview with AIT, alleging that the Army had concocted the tale in order to ignore her complaints.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

Tears filled Private Ruth’s eyes as she spoke of unfair treatment at the hands of superiors and subpar working conditions during her purported inhumane treatment in the military.


In a recent statement, the Nigerian Army asserted that Ruth’s mental illness was the reason for her dismissal and that she had undergone psychological treatment. Ruth, however, has not accepted the Army’s confession of the incident.


Speaking with AIT, she said, “Nobody believed me. After injecting me, he (Col Abdulkareem) will strip me naked and throw me inside a psychiatric hospital, and there Gen. IB Solebo and others will come; they will be snapping me.”


“He denied me access to a military course just because I refused to sleep with him. He denied me pass; I could not see my family for years. He denied me so many things in the army that… My welfare in the army.”


“After going to the legal service to complain and nothing was done, after going to the military police and nothing was done, because he’s my superior, I’m his subordinate.”

“I sought redress, but nothing was done. I went to social media to complain on the night of January 2024, and the Minister of Women Affairs intervened.”


“The Nigerian Army promised Nigerians that they were going to carry out an investigation, which they did. So during the investigation, they took me to the national hospital. They took me to NDLEA.”

“They took me to NDLEA to know if I abuse substances. They took me to the national hospital for medical evaluation, and the result turned out to be negative.”CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>

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