Among the more than 200 children kidnapped from the Kuriga community in Kaduna State, Mustapha Abubakar, a Junior Secondary School III student, described his terrifying experience after escaping on Friday, according to The Sun News. He disclosed that the abductors gave the kids three bottles of carbonated beverages as their only food supply, while they fought over a few oranges. Abubakar conveyed his appreciation for divine intervention while recounting how he took advantage of a chance to elude detection throughout the tiresome voyage. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>
The abductions occurred when armed gunmen on motorcycles invaded the school premises, disrupting the students’ morning routine. Lt. General Taoreed Lagbaja, the Chief of Army Staff, visited the community to offer support and empathy. In response to the incident, Governor Uba Sani assured parents that efforts were underway to ensure the safe return of the kidnapped pupils.
The incident sheds light on the dire circumstances faced by the abducted students, emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures in vulnerable areas to protect the education and well-being of the nation’s youth.
He said: “When they gave us the soft drinks, we were all tired. God helped me; as we were walking, I was just looking for a way to escape. Then, God showed me one place. I knew that once I entered the place, I would be able to escape.
“Then I saw a place and I felt down and dragged my body on the ground. Then, I lied down. I was there for like an hour, lying down and the entire place was wet with sweat. CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>>